Entity transform via the Properties Panel
This week I finished implementing full edition of Entity transformations by means of the properties panel.

In the above image, five box instances were dynamically created and then moved, rotated and scaled using nothing but the transform panel. This is a big milestone that will allow, from now on, assemble complete scenes to be rendered with the engine without having to tinker with the transformation values in code.
Now, a common piece of feedback that I’ve been receiving during this series is whether the editor is capable of rendering something other than boxes. Because the editor is powered by the full Vortex Engine, it can load and render a number of file formats out of the box.
With the ability to assemble scenes dynamically, we can now start bringing in external geometry in the form of entities and build our setup from them. This coming week I’m going to be working on better Entity support for external meshes and start bringing them into the editor.
Stay tuned for more!