Breathtaking capture of Aurora Borealis

This incredible video was created by filming a series of nights in Norway.

The Aurora from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.

I spent a week capturing one of the biggest aurora borealis shows in recent years.

Shot in and around Kirkenes and Pas National Park bordering Russia, at 70 degree north and 30 degrees east. Temperatures around -25 Celsius. Good fun.

Visit my Facebook page for more information.

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Available in Digital Cinema 4k.

Big thanks to the guys over at for their amazing all-in-one motion control dolly.

Music is Gladiator soundtrack “Now we are free”

I first saw this video here.

One thought on “Breathtaking capture of Aurora Borealis

  1. Now I can direct friends to your “northern lights” video to explain what I do not have the words to express adequately. I sat for several hours one summer evening in Northern Michigan, and actually into early morning hours, watching the most splendid light show. When I try to explain it to others, they tell me I had a dream, or I must have had too much wine, actually I had no alcohol or drugs of any kind. I noticed the lights often appeared to be keeping time with an unseen and unheard symphony orchestra . . . . . . . up and down and then side to side, slowly and building to great intensity at times. It was the most spiritual event I have witnessed aside from the birth of my children. Have you experienced similar motion in your studies?
    Thank you so much for sharing these breathtaking events with us.
    Marjorie Schneider, Bath, Michigan

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